Hey !
I'm Petit-Pied and i'm a freelance 3D graphic designer.
i was born the 02 July 1987 and i like computers, video games and infographic stuff since my very early age.
I'm graduated of the 3D graphic design sclool " HEAJ " in belgium, so , i'm a 3D generalist.
I really like Sculpting especially in Zbrush but also produce architectural renderings in 3Dsmax via Vray !
I have a need to improve again and again especially in Zbrush and Vray.
Someday i want to be as good as Grant Warwick.
Feel free to hit me up for any 3D work propositions !
i worked as a 3D sculptor for a project about a the Waterloo battle ( during the Napoleon War )
The sculpt was 3D printed on a 3m x 9m wall.
3D sculptor and visual FX for the belgian cartoon animation serie " Mamemo "